New affiliate: MegaManAyla
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 29 October 2009 at 23:08
I've added tonight a new affiliate among the select list seen at the left: MegaManAyla, from mety333!
Some of the people who've been around for years might remember seeing that name around before. The site used to be live several years ago, before it was closed due to a lack of time and interest. It has recently made a comeback and is aiming to reclaim a spot among the top Mega Man websites available. Several updates have been done in the past weeks to bring it up to date on several fronts, and more is on the way.
Many sections are still under reconstruction or unavailable, but the content already offered is worth a look. Check it out!
SAR information page rewrite
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 23 October 2009 at 21:52
The SuperAdventure Rockman information page has been completely looked over and rewritten. Being one of the oldest sections of this site, it's grammar level was much lower than most other pages. This new version, while not having much in the way of new content, should be easier to understand. The review format has also being changed to match the one used in the Rockboard information page.
September 2009 mini-contest: the results!
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 1 October 2009 at 21:42
And so, a new winner emerges!
The new winning picture is this coffee-spewing Luna Platz, as drawn by The Helldragon. A winner is you!
The Helldragon will be receiving his prize soon: a 20$ Gift Card!
Thanks to the three people who bothered to participate this time around!