Fan Art featuring robot masters
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 30 July 2006 at 21:42
The FanArt section's selection grew today with 9 new pictures coming from rootay. He gives us his take on several robot masters from the Original Series, along with a picture of Protoman and a custom design. They can all be found right here!
Rockboard information update
Original Series, by Dr. Cossack on 21 July 2006 at 0:16
The Rockboard translation section has been updated to be more current to the status of the project, and a new screenshot joins the others already on display. There is no new patch available at this time. Progress on this translation has been going well lately, with me figuring out more key parts from the game.
A wallpaper
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 19 July 2006 at 17:28
A new wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. This artwork, featuring Vile, was put together by Regulus from Final Destination Pixelation. This brings the total amount of wallpapers available to 22, not including the various screen sizes available.
Mega Man Battle Network 6 maps
Battle Network Series, by Dr. Cossack on 4 July 2006 at 23:46
Mega Boy is still going on strongly with his map creation. His latest release: the maps for all areas of the new Mega Man Battle Network 6 game. You'll find them on the newly opened MMBN6 info page. This should be useful for those who don't like getting lost on the maze-like levels that the series is known for. I also updated his contact information through the site to show his new e-mail address.