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October 2003

Message board fixed
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 30 October 2003 at 21:50

The message board has been fixed, and shouldn't have any more issues for the time being. That was the last of the problems caused by the downtime experienced earlier this week. Expect more updates soon!

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Boo! Halloween design!
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 20 October 2003 at 19:20

As you should have noticed by now, the site took an orange glow. That temporary design is up only for the days before Halloween, and the normal blue tones will return on November 1st. Until then... don't be too scared, the ghosts are lurking! >:-)

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New chatroom available!
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 10 October 2003 at 23:21

The older Bravenet chatroom was easy of use perhaps, but full of problems (more and more ads, can't copy & paste, etc.) In order to get rid of these, I just made a new chatroom available, replacing the old one which will be deleted. This new chat is now available through both a Java applet (similar to the former room), and through an IRC channel. That way, you can join using your favorite mean of communication! You can find all the details to connect on the chat information page.

I would like to give a special thanks to ProtoStar who helped me in finding an alternative to the Bravenet Chat.

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