Banner & corrections
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 28 August 2000 at 0:00
Finaly I'm not doing this Updates page for nothing, I'm actually getting visitors on the website :-) And I got someone to sign on my message board. Thanks Servbot #20 :-) Today, I changed some pages trought the website. On the main page, I put the Interordi Software banner at the top. I'm maintaining the website by myself, so be sure to go there! Also, I realized that again there was some errors in the e-mail links on the website. This has been fixed.
E-mail address change
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 15 August 2000 at 0:00
Hey people! I changed my e-mail address, it's now Don't use the old address, as I'm not checking it often anymore. Also, I corrected the link to the Message Board on the Contact page, since it was going to the old Message Board.
Hit counter change
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 13 August 2000 at 0:00
Hello. I changed the counter on the main page. The new one is more reliable, looks better and I can view the number of visitors I get by day. I'm working on Demo 2 these days, but I can't tell when it will be ready...
Website move & new message board
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 2 August 2000 at 0:00
Hi! First thing, the biggest one: WE ARE NOW ON OUR .COM ADDRESS! We joined the Interordi Software on, website maintained by me. So now, just access this website trought instead, so you will not have any ads when coming here. For minor things, there's a new Message Board online: this one has less ads than the last one and is easier to use. Please, if you encounter problems while trying the game, post the message there, maybe other visitors will be able to help you. By the way, I may release some very little programs in which you'll be able to see some animations included in various Mega Man games :-)