Random notes
Projects, by Dr. Cossack on 18 May 2000 at 0:00
Hello people! I know the installation of the Demo 1 is not easy.. People reported me that there was a problem at the end of the installation, about a file called "tegospr6.ocx". You just have to do Ignore, everything should be ok. Also, be sure to read the instructions in the Downloads page to know how to extract the MIDIs. I'm working on a new install system, easier to use and looking WAY better. Also, I'm working on a new Java menu to replace that awful table at the left ;-)
New information page
Projects, by Dr. Cossack on 7 May 2000 at 0:00
New updates page
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 6 May 2000 at 0:00