Link to me: back online!
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 14 January 2003 at 0:00
I'm keeping up the speed until school restarts! I've put back online the link to me section, where you can find link buttons and banners if you wish to link to this site. So far, only 1 banner and 1 button are available, but I'll be adding more in the future.
MegaCards: back online!
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 10 January 2003 at 15:38
I bet you didn't saw that one coming, eh? ;-) I'm proud to say that the MegaCards mini-site is back online! I spent a while recoding the whole thing, to remove any possible bugs and add some minor features.
Now, if you weren't here last March, you might be asking yourself: "What is a MegaCard?". Here is the description from the mini-site: "The MegaCards central is a system allowing you to send an electronic greeting card to someone of your choice. You choose a picture, some colors, enter a text, and send it. The receipent receives an e-mail telling him/her to get his card, by giving him/her a card ID to claim the card.". Feel free to take a look!
Also, if you weren't coming to this site before March 2002, you might be asking yourself why it wasn't available until now. The problem is that the computer hosting my host crashed 10 months ago, so I have to rebuild parts of the site one by one. Thank you for your patience!
Site status
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 9 January 2003 at 1:17
While the updates might seem rather slow right now, I'm in fact doing quite some work in the background. Stay tuned, you'll soon see a proof of that! It might even be closer than you think...
Some MP3s to go down
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 3 January 2003 at 0:18
In an attempt to save some precious webspace and bandwidth, I'll remove in 48 hours the Japanese files from the MP3 archive. That means that, from now on, you have two days to go and download the musics you want. The full Rockman 6 PSX soundtrack, as well as the other files will stay online, and I've no plans to remove them soon.