Release dates... again
Site news, by Dr. Cossack on 23 June 2002 at 0:45
MMBN2 is out. Really.
Several visitors were kind enough to confirm to me that Mega Man Battle Network 2 indeed came out last week. I waited to write this because I wanted to find my own copy first. Is it normal that only one store in my area had the game, that they got it this morning (a week and a half after the release!), and that they had only TWO copies? Any other RPG would have been available in a matter of 2-3 days...
Release dates fun
As you can see at the right, I've updated the release dates for all upcoming Rockman and Mega Man titles. MMX5 PC has been pushed off to the July 2, and Rockman & Forte GBA is supposedly coming out on the August 11 in Japan. Still no word about a North America release here.